Elmarco Talks: Using Air Cleaning Devices with ASHRAE Standard 241

May 16, 2024

Join us for the final Elmarco Talk of Season 2! We're closing this season with a highly relevant and engaging topic: Using Air Cleaning Devices with ASHRAE Standard 241, presented by Kathleen Owen and Jonathan Rajala.


What will be discussed?

Everything helps in Standard 241! This new Standard “Control of Infectious Aerosols” is written to provide reduced risk during Pandemics (or IRMM). It requires users to provide specific amounts of clean or cleaned air per person in occupied spaces, then lets you choose from multiple options to meet their air needs.  Once the air needed by your building or space and where it is needed are determined, you decide which solutions to use. You can bring in outdoor air (assumed clean of human pathogens), reduce occupancy, or use air filters, ultraviolet light (UV), reactive air cleaners (RAC), and other air cleaners to make your building safer. Or you can use some of each of the different options. This talk introduces Std 241 with emphasis on how air cleaners can be used and what requirements are made to allow them to be used.



About the speakers

Kathleen Owen, Owen Air Filtration Consulting, is an air filter/cleaner filtration efficiency and testing expert. She is a member of the ASHRAE 241 committee, chairs Standard 185.5 (developing chamber/side‑duct testing method for air cleaners) and is a past chair of both 52.2 and 145. She ran the RTI air cleaner testing lab for 20 years and has done air cleaner and IAQ research for almost 40 years. She has just finished three ASHRAE research projects on various aspects of air cleaner testing and use and has started a new one on chamber testing. She is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and a Fellow.


About Owen Filtration Consulting:

Owen Air Filtration Consulting, LLC, is a one‑person air cleaner testing and other IAQ‑related issues engineering consulting firm.


Jon Rajala is the R&D Manager for AAF based out of their Clean AIR Center for global research and development in Jeffersonville, Indiana. In his 7 years with AAF Jon has supported development of filtration products, filter media, and application development for Total Cost of Ownership Diagnostic, SAAF Tech Tools, and VisionAir Clean. He also currently manages the Clean AIR Center test labs and participates in filtration related standard committees for ASHRAE (current Chair for TC 2.4),  ISO (current Chair of US TAG to ISO/TC 142), and serves on the executive committee of AFS as Vice‑Chair. Prior to joining AAF, Jon earned his PhD from the chemical engineering department at The University of Akron working in Professor George Chase’s research group with a focus on electrospun nanofibers for filtration applications.


About AFF International:

AAF International was founded in 1921 and is headquartered in Louisville, KY. AAF offers the most comprehensive air cleaning products and systems in the world, ranging from residential/retail filters, to air pollution control, to gas phase contaminant removal, to the highest efficiency clean room filters.

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